Autumn Colour Tour

We have *finally* found a bit of a window where we have no commitments (or, feel not so horrible about not going to some we'd like to ...) and the weather is absolutely fabulous.  And away we went!

Day 1:  home to Huntsville.  Warm, sunshine, beautiful roads.  Leaf colour just starting at home, getting more intense as we go north.

Day 2: Huntsville thru Algonquin Park and back.  There's only one road, but it does look different each way ;).  Colours are magnificent.  Warm and sunshine.

Day 3: Huntsvulle to Lake Of Bays tour, to Gananoque.  Intense colour to what looks like an early, hard frost resulting in a bit faded colour, nearer Lake Ontario.  Warm, sunshiny.

Day 4: Gananoque to Sarasota Springs NY via Adirondacks.  Warm, sunshiny, lots of bright, intense colour.  Some fields of beans showing results of hard frost before leaves dropped, making the field look fuzzy!  Love the border crossing at the 1,000 Islands - calm, sedate, beautiful parkway, good bridges, lovely.

Still waters, stunning colour, rocks, sparkly sturdy rides, best husband ever.  What more could a gal ask for!  Am one lucky mamma :)